Stomach acid has a pH of 1.0 to 2.0, strong enough to dissolve the back of a razor blade within two hours, showcasing its powerful digestive capabilities.
A laser beam can be trapped in water through total internal reflection, as demonstrated by PBS Learning Media, where the beam stays contained in a water jet until the flow stops.
Over half of Earth's oxygen is produced by marine organisms like plankton and seaweed, crucial contributors to our planet's breathable air.
Sea animals such as turtles and salmon can sense Earth s magnetic field, aiding in their navigation and orientation, a fascinating aspect of animal behavior.
A typical cumulus cloud can weigh up to a million pounds, equivalent to the weight of a fully loaded large jet, despite their fluffy appearance.
One teaspoon of soil harbors more microorganisms than there are people on Earth, including bacteria, algae, fungi, and insects, highlighting soil's rich biodiversity.
Rats exhibit laughter when tickled, responding playfully and chasing after the tickler s hand, revealing their complex emotional responses.
Bananas are slightly radioactive due to their potassium content, though you'd need to consume ten million bananas at once for any harmful effects.