This vampire film revolves around a "what-if" situation involving Max Schreck, the film's lead actor, and the director of the iconic silent picture Nosferatu. For authenticity's sake, director F.W. Murnau looks for and casts a real-life vampire in the part to produce the perfect vampire movie.
"Frozen" and "Frozen II," two films from the same franchise, topped the box office receipts records, grossing Disney a total of $2,740,026,933. Would you like to construct a snowman... out of gold?
"Finding Nemo" nearly made it into the billion-dollar club with its $936 million global box office take. This movie has a wonderful moral to the narrative, and quotes and remarks from it are frequently repeated in homes.
With $968 million in global box office receipts since its debut, "The Lion King" stands as one of Disney's most successful non-Pixar animated films—and that's before the incredible stage production and its sequels. They never ever imagined it would be a hit, believe it or not.
'Incredibles 2' was released in 2018 and brought in over 1.24 billion dollars globally for Pixar, which has been under Disney's ownership since 2006. Winston Deavor, the evil genius, has a scheme for Elastigirl to battle crime and restore the popularity of superheroes.
With a remarkable tale and a global gross profit of $1,025,521,689, this inspirational adventure about pursuing your ambitions brought Disney another successful film.
Being the highest-grossing Disney animated film ever, Frozen II surpassed all expectations. $1.22 trillion). Three years after the first film's conclusion, the second one starts.
This movie made $1,072,817,964 at the global box office, which is comparable to 'Toy Story 3'. It is a genuinely amazing franchise. With Bonnie and a brand-new toy called Forky, Woody, Buzz, and the crew set out on a road trip. In order to help this toy overcome his existential crisis, the others must persuade him of Bonnie's importance.